Enterprise Editions& Trainings

LitmusChaos was originally created by ChaosNative (Acquired by Harness) and is a CNCF incubated project from 2022 January onwards.

The listed partners offer enterprise distributions, training, and commercial support for LitmusChaos.


Harness Chaos Engineering

Whether you want to explore advanced chaos engineering for your target system or find a partner to help you build a custom solution, we can help.

Harness Chaos Engineering

Improve application resiliency and reduce costly downtime.

Harness enables enterprises to securely scale chaos engineering across their entire organization with the support from the creators of Litmus.


CI/CD Pipeline Integrated

CI/CD Pipeline Integrated

Systems' reliability, and protecting your business from the costs of downtime, is a team sport. Chaos isn’t only for SRE… Harness engages all teams spanning developers, DevOps, SRE, and any one else involved in your SDLC to create reliable systems. Leverage the chaos integration with Harness CD and CV or the robust API for your own pipeline tooling.

Integrations with Observability Systems

Integrations with Observability Systems

With included integrations to leading observability systems such as Dynatrace and Prometheus, Harness CE ensures that all involved in your SDLC can see results of your chaos experiments and make reliability improvements accordingly. Harness CE builds in steady statement measurement to enable users to validate the impact to the targeted system.

GameDay Experience

GameDay Experience

Harness CE enables you to run a GameDay with your team to proactively address points of failure. Validate post-mortem actions from an outage, test your incident management process to train new team members, and run a repeatable IT disaster recovery exercise. Prepare, execute, observe and learn!

Largest Chaos Experiment Library

Largest Chaos Experiment Library

The largest and most diverse set of chaos experiments available today, spanning pod, node, network, stress, cloud services, and application chaos testing. Users can also create their own experiments and can contribute them back to the public ChaosHub catalog.


Trainings & Certifications

Chaos Engineering made easy

Litmus is highly extensible and integrates with other tools to enable the creation of custom experiments. Kubernetes developers & SREs use Litmus to manage chaos in a declarative manner and find weaknesses in their applications and infrastructure.

Get started with Litmus